Tuesday, March 5, 2013

the earlyworm

Pringle Bay

The thing with the early worm is sometimes you are gonna get skunked. And when you do, it's much worse than any other.
Who in their right mind wants to drag themselves out of bed at 4.30am to drive out into the middle of nowhere to throw themselves into the sea before work.

And sure enough, when your alarm does go off, those are exactly the kind of questions that you are asking yourself. But then you remember the worm... it's always been about the worm...

what a view

On this particular day, we headed out as usual. 
It had been a somewhat marginal call, inspired by a dry spell tuning us all a bit cranky. A big swell rolled in the day before, but was supposed to drop off quickly. Our plan was to pick it up at the tail end at Caves. But when we pulled into said parking lot the drop of swell hadnt seemed to have begun, leaving Caves a swarming sandpit of heaving closeouts that none of us wanted any part of.

But we didn't just give up. We kept at it, our hungry worse than ever before.
So we drove on, in search of somewhere else, but it was not our day (or dawn). The swell-that-didnt-die, had died just enough to make all other beaches miserably small.

If we headed back to the office now, we might just beat traffic.


But this post is not about getting skunked ... its about the worm... and the worm is always there. What a way to start the day. To watch the sun licking lazily over a stretch of paradise and no other sole about.

but all hunger needs to be fed

So sure enough, a few days later we were at it again (albeit a slightly more reliable call). And this time we found the worm that we were looking for and had a couple of hearty bites. Yes, it's not always easy being the earlybird, but someone has got to get all those worms!

the party has just began

2 peaks, 2 barrels, 2 surfers

mist hanging over the bay
a rare moment for a turn between getting tubed
about to enter the inside sand slab
aim and shoot
rob getting loose

another racer

a few rays off sun before going to work!

the last glimpse that slipped into our daydreams, or at least until the next time...

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